Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rihanna and Chris Brown Domestic Violence

This is a Pisces (Rihanna born February 20, 1988) and Taurus (Chris Brown born May 5, 1989) relationship. True to their sign these astrological characteristics bless Rihanna with a shapely figure and Chris Brown with a sultry voice. When a composite is done using both their birth charts they become an Aries energy. Aries is ruled by Mars (the planet of war).

Sun Opposition Mars
This is the most competitive, argumentative, and pugnacious of all Sun-Mars combinations.
It indicates particularly that the two of you have very different energy levels, which can cause all kinds of conflict. The negative and disruptive effects of this aspect can be mitigated if you both are very secure in yourselves. In that case, instead of regarding this competitive energy as a threat, you will take it as a challenge. This energy would be most difficult to harness creatively in a love relationship. In a business relationship or a friendship it would be easier to deal with.

Moon Conjunct Venus
The conjunction of composite Moon and composite Venus is a most positive aspect for any personal relationship. It indicates a strong feeling of love between you that you will express openly. The relationship may even have something of a dreamy quality, as if it were too beautiful to be true. The basic inner strength of this relationship should be great enough to overcome all but the worst problems. In general, this is one of the most positive and useful aspects that a composite chart can have for a successful personal relationship.

Since Chris Brown admits coming from a home where he witnessed abuse it would be beneficial for him to seek therapy to resolve these issues within himself. At the same time Rihanna should attend a class on domestic violence to learn what must be done in these instances and to prevent herself from being a victim again. The two are very young so there is a lot of room for growth, maturity and help with their individual and collective relationship problems.

May God bless them both.

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